*** Adapted to your individual situation and still affordable ***
Our services are designed for young, emerging musicians as well as artists who have been in the business for a long time and are simply looking for
Our services include the composition and/or revision of marketing material as well as the personal consultation, which materials are adviseable for your situation.
Furthermore we offer individual trainings and workshops on different topics that are essential for a successful musicians career, e.g. fee negotiations, social media marketing, performance
planning, etc.
We also offer to check contracts (performance contracts, record label contracts, etc.) as well as legal advise for questions in copy right, etc.
Too many great musicians have not become successful simply due to a lack of marketing, booking of performances and poor contracts.
Quite often the "business-part" of a musicians career doesn't get enough attention, both due to financial and time-reasons. We therefore offer affordable individual packages and services in all parts of the musical business sector, designed especially for freelance musicians in the classical music scene.
Contact us for your individual offer!